Saturday, September 22, 2018

The 3ps I live By! They helped me lose 100lbs

So I got to thinking....scary I know, lol. Looking back at the last 4 months, I have 3 p's that I have come up with and wanted to share.
1) Plan- plan your goals, plan your week, plan your day! Ex: baseball picnic, pizza and wings on the menu along with cake and dirt dessert...yummmmm but big no no's when you are losing at. What to do? Plan you points for the day, have a 0pt breakfast or under 200 cal. Have a lite lunch under 10 pts or 400 cal, save your points for the picnic or go a step further like I did and make my own tortilla chicken and veggie pizzas before you go. It came to 10 points for both, yummy! Plus I took fruit tray to picnic for 0 pts. Guess what, I didn't even miss the pizza and wings and 1 lost a lb that day! Score!
2)Prepare- prepare your own food. There is not much that is good in those middle aisles at the grocery store. Shop the perimeter of the store. You can control your calories when you make your own food. I am a "in the process reformed fast food junkie", lol. Prepare your food for parties and get togethers. My sister brings salads to EVERYTHING! Why? Because she can't eat heavy gluten foods so she brings something she can eat. People will notice more if you just sit there and have to say "no thank you, I am on a diet", boo who wants to say that?!
3) Portion- ok if you cheat yourself. A 1/2 a cup serving is 1/2 cup. If the bag says 13 chips, its not 13 plus 5 more. Those extra servings will add up. Don't fool yourself because you can't fool the scale. So be honest with your portions because we all know the restaurants are not. Speaking of going out to eat, get in the habit of only eating half and taking half home or look for lighter portions if self control if hard for you. Most menus have fit and lite choices, look for those.
I hope these help as a jumping point to get you started. I will be adding more 3P tips and techniques each week as they come up for me and my journey.
xoxo Sandy

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